Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I was very exicted about the NDP show as this was the first time I went to the Marina Bay floating platform.I saw some celebrities like Mark Lee.The most memorable thing is the terrorist attack. It displays the bravery of the soldiers and the civil defence.There was a loud boom! Wow! we thought there were some faults in the platform and we were shocked.Actually, it was just an act. Around the end of the show, it started to rain cats and dogs. We quickly put on our poncho. The fireworks are magnificent.
Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Annual P5 Camp

Last week, we went to the 3 Day 2 Night ,Annual P5 Camp. The most memorable activity inthe camp is the High Elements. They are Abseiling, Flying Fox , Rock Climbing, CRC and etc. I like the CRC the best as it allows us to overcome our fear of heights.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Earth Hour

Between Earth & Global Warming,I would vote Earth!
Earth Hour is a vote between Earth and Global Warming.It is held on the 28th March 2009,Saturday.8.30pm to 9.30pm.This vote will determine official government policies to take action against global warming.They will switch off your lights to vote for Earth, or leave them on to vote for global warming.We can sleep during this period.Earth is also facing the problem of Deforestation. We can use computers rather than writing on papers.

March holidays

Time fies! March Holidays have past in an wink of an eye.I am going to recount to you what I done doing that period of time......
I reached Shanghai that Saturday.The airport is big ,nice and....Big!Then we went to the landmarks of Shanghai. The scenery from the Asia's highest TV tower was spectacular.Then we proceeded to SuZhou. There are lots of popular food there,YUMMY!...... Although I cannot describe everything to you ,but I can ensure that China is very BEAUTIFUL!

Fire Safety

Yesterday,we had a fire drill,although there is no fire, I think everyone should take it seriously.Like that, everyone would know what to react during a real fire. That morning, two firefighters came to our school to educate us about fire safety. Two years ago, a fire broke out at market in our vicinity.That night, as I watched the fire devouring the whole market, my mind went blank. Then, I realised how fire can be dangerous when misused. There's a proverb saying,"Fire can be a good servant but a bad master". I could not agree more.

Monday, February 9, 2009

SS Learning Journey

We went to the Reflections at Bukit Chandu and Old Fort Factory. The Reflections at Bukit Chandu is located at 31-K Pepys Road while Old Fort Factory is at 351 Upper Bukit Timah Road. Without this two places, the next generation will not know what happened during World War II. There is a message in Old Fort Factory, "44 months of the Japanese Occupation brought immense pain, suffering and many losses for many people who lost family members and friends and probably a part of themselves died along with them. For the rest who stayed put during the Japanese Occupation , they saw the ugly side of human nature and its capacity of evil and creulty. However they also saw the best that such extremities brought out in people - courage , determination , survival skills , reselience ane the self acts of goodwill demostrated by many. Many innvaluable lessons were learnt and many came away with a deeper appreciation for life. Many of these lessons are still relevant today as well as for future generations to come."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Total Defence Day 2009

I would defend the trees,greenery and clean air. They are very important to Singapore, without them ,we will not suvive. No one will survive! The trees purify our air and clear air is the product of this process.Iwould use recycled paper more more often instead of using new ones.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chinese new Year

As a chinese, I really look forward to Chinese New Year! About a fortnight later, I am going to my paternal grandparents' house to eat renioun dinner. I could play with my cousins called Justin and Tricia.We love to play the Ps3 there!

Friday, January 16, 2009

December Holidays

I felt very bored during the holidays. I played computer,eat,read storybooks and sleep. This is a daily routine during the December Holidays.I feel very bored,bored and more bored!